Do you want to see far?
How far can you see?
In the last few days, the world has been abuzz with news of great outerspace discoveries courtesy of the James Webb Space Telescope. The great discoveries remind us of how vast the universe is and how less of it we actually know.
Allow me to share with you a statement by Barack Obama. On his Facebook page, he said,
“These fascinating new images from the NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope offer a view of the universe that we’ve never seen before, and will inspire a new generation to look deeper into space. Congratulations to everybody who made this possible—I’m excited to see more!”
Are you excited too to see more?
One of the uses of the telescope is to explore for potentially habitable exoplanets. To date we have a list nearing sixty of positively identified potentially habitable exoplanets, though it’s estimated that there could be as many as 300 million such planets in our galaxy. Can you imagine that disparity?
Please note this;
Space exploration has its budget in billions of dollars with this project alone being close to 10 billion dollars.
The journey continues.
How far more shall we have explored in our lifetime? With those numbers of estimated planets, not much far I guess. What surprises me is that what we already have with us has not been fully explored, leave alone the planets that are billions of lightyears away. Do you know that every single day we discover new things on the face of the earth? What of the vast number of things not yet discovered below the surface of this rich planet? As economies crumble and panic grips the common man, billions are sent to space and some huge deposit of gold remains undiscovered somewhere near you. Maybe in your backyard.
Is it possible that the next world-shaker will come from you? Why not? Take a moment and think. The man who designed the telescope was not different from you. He had all body features like yours and a brain just like yours of which he chose to use. You can too. Then there came together individuals of like mind to wow the world with inventions of astounding discoveries through collective ideas and effort. Why not you and I? Yes we can.
With this in mind, I hereby remind you to look within in order to see farther out. The kingdom of God is within you. Look within and connect without.
I want to urge you not to think of scarcity but in abundance. To know that you have such a big potential that you will never use half of what you can. And by the way, only a fraction of what is possible for you is really necessary to you living an exceptionally meaningful life. If you then align yourself with people of like mind for synergy, the extent of your accomplishments will be astronomical.
Go for it
Do you want to see far? Look near.
Anthony Muiruri – Motivational Speaker
Author : Be Good For Good
Author : Achieve Your Dream workbook
Founder : Book Place Media