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The book has got some great reviews on Amazon
“I am happy that this book came to my hands because it speaks about something beautiful that our world needs more than ever “being good”. At first I would like to congratuate the writer for not giving up to his dream and after 20 years publishing his book and speading beautiful messages to his readers. I strongly agree with the ideas that are shared in this book. Without making a spoiler, I want to stand in two things that I most like on this book. The first is that each chapter closes with a beautiful message/quote that sums up the chapter. The second is that I really enjoyed the idea of sharing stories and parts of his life in Africa. I recommend this book” – Chrystalleni
“Awesome Stories which enable us to learn valuable lessons while caught up in the tales. Teach 101. My favorite all-time is the determination of the donkey to shake off the dirt, stamp it down under his hooves, and make it out of the hole. Really enjoyed the lessons and motivated me to see the big picture, keep moving forward, and always look for the good – thank you for the book! ” – Jeff Martinovich